Monday, June 17, 2013


A Magnificent Father's Day

All you Dads out there, how did you enjoy Father's Day? For me, I started the day with a brief jog, then showered, shaved, etc., and had breakfast. When I settled in to my easy chair, I found that an old favorite was on TV, The Magnificent Seven. I was hooked again on this testosterone loaded classic.

I enjoy this film even more today, after learning about some of the trivia attached to it. It seems that stars Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen detested each other during the filming. They were worried about one upstaging the other. McQueen bothered Brynner in the hearse scene by his tactics. He shakes each shotgun shell before loading the gun and then takes off his hat and shades the sun for a moment, while Brynner drives the rig smoking a cigar. Brynner was a half an inch taller than McQueen, but insisted on appearing even taller. He had technicians build little dirt mounds that he stood on in scenes with McQueen. McQueen would stomp them out whenever he got the chance. These two were not Boomers, but they certainly were babies.

The film also has one of, if not THE, greatest theme ever. I think it's only competition is the James Bond and Star Wars themes. Thank you, Elmer Bernstein.

To really make my day, I got calls from all my kids. And my bride took me out to dinner at a waterfront restaurant in Barnstable. I ended my day with a night cap of Bourbon and hit the sack.

Bump, bump bump bump, bump bump bump bump bump bump, BUMP!

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