Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Random Thoughts
Just finished reading Painted Ladies by Robert B. Parker, a novel he completed a year before he died. I marvel at his ability to write wonderfully entertaining dialogue. In one part of the book, Spenser is having a conversation with girlfriend Susan about another woman. Susan asks, “Do you think she’s better looking than moi?” Spenser, as the narrator, says with italics, “What kind of idiot wouldn’t know the right answer to that?” What guy who’s ever been in a relationship can’t appreciate that writing?
Dog On It is a greatly entertaining detective novel where Chet is the detective’s partner, who happens to be a dog. The twist is that the story unfolds from Chet’s point of view. It’s a refreshing approach to the genre. Both detective story lovers and dog lovers will….love it.
Louise and I are in our second winter in Florida and the jury is in. As I watch The Weather Channel showing Jim Cantore on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C. and another reporter in Massachusetts, both shivering in the cold and snow, I sit contented knowing this is the right way for retirees from the north country to spend the winter.